miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

More watercolors from the albums

  There has been here a leap in time; the watercolors you will see from now on in the new blog spots will belong to the albums of the same time with a not covered period between the last watercolors I published and the current moment.


M.Elena and Merche
My I-child I try to control searches with anxiety women (these ones and others ones) that have already (or will have) other children or men.
They are the same that incite me to jump "the obstacle", not to block myself.. 

A bird nest in the chest

The group

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015


  Some time ago Rita asked me a painting. She requested me to include some elements, like the sea and the wisterias, and to make reference to her and her parents who are dead.
  I took a long time to finish it because at some point I got stuck and I could not find a way to unite the composition I had conceived.
  The arches of the fresco by Masolino in the church of Saint Clemente in Rome have been humming in my mind since they hit me for their delicacy the first time I saw them.

Masolino, "The Annunciation"

  So I included them by playing to mix spaces, as the times too had been mixed.

  Rita became an image of the hope. Speranza is her surname.

  The rainbow of one of the landscape repeats that idea of hope and reconciliation between different dimensions and the volcan of the other one represents the Vesevius which dominates her town.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

A fresco in my attic

  This course we, Ana, Beatriz, Agustín and I, are painting a fresco.

The problem of the beam of the next house. The solution: canes. Augustín.


  The theme of a map allowed us to touch different issues in the same composition.

Map by Leonardo Da Vinci

  These are some of my sketches:

  I could often see this fresco so the elements I'm putting in are a garden, an harbour, a city, a lighthouse, a vegetable garden,...
  I wanted to imitate the waves I saw on a map, and here they began to take shape:


The lighthouse:

Lighthouse/phallus over a base/mandorla with light/egg.

The preparatory drawings

Preparatory drawing of the fourth "giornata".


The first "giornata"

Sketch of the second "giornata":

Third "giornata"

Sketch for the city of the fourth "giornata".

Some ideas for the garden.

The balsa of the fifth "giornata":

For the sixth "giornata" I've reused, slightly transformed, some arches by Masolino (the Rita's painting is antecedent although the blog post is more recent):

Masolino. "Feast of Herod" in the baptistery of Castiglione Olona (Varese)