jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Lancet, special Alzheimer

  Elena Bécker, the editor of the magazine, asked me to do the cover for an extra copy, dedicated to the priorities in research on Alzheimer's and other dementias.
["We have commissioned to a group of about 30 experts to establish a path of the priorities in Europe in the short or medium term ranging from public health actions to prevent dementia to some recommendations to improve the early diagnosis or to discover new treatments. We will present this issue at an event at the European Parliament in march"].
  I painted a cylinder in which a woman clings to the inside walls while it is rolling down a slope. She's sitting on a dresser whose drawers have been opened by the movement and the gravity and they shed their content wich is going to get lost.
  The dresser symbolizes the memory; in its "drawers" we save the personal things represented here as a small white pieces of fabric.
  I took the metaphor of a small piece of forniture to symbolize the memory, the intimate, from the sculpture by Raquel Cortés I have in my home. It's an abstract portrait of her sister Maria.
Raquel Cortés and "Maria".
  This is the cover illustration:

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

OMNIA VINCIT AMOR (Lancet april)

  When I finished reading the book "The man who mistook his wife for a hat", my head was buzzing with the reflections that Oliver Sacks makes about the case of the brothers who calculated dates and who played with difficult prime numbers. He says that the social services decided to separate them for their integration and that, according to him, the separation cut the "magic" of their relationship and turned them into citizens who never reached a life like those of the average level of the people, although they achieved some autonomy.
  He put examples in which the society could better integrate some people if didn't use so little subtle pattern of classification.
  These days I've talked to people who work in fields like this and I see that they have a similar opinion, they take much care of the language they use to refer to them, etc. 
  All that suggested to me that love is what must weigh more also in these things.
  I tried to say it in a way that was non trivial but with much exploited elements (the kiss, the cupids, the pink color).
 Cupid in a tatoo from internet; its author is not said
  It's true that the head with the plaster has a disturbing air, but I can't avoid that, despite the reflexions, the brain diseases desconcert me. 
  Some of my friends coudn't see the kiss and that's why I put here an image for help: