miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016

Lancet august

  To close the issue of the relationship between science and humanities that I had started with the july cover, I wanted to paint for the cover of august an illustration which had as protagonists neurology and philosophy.
  I sketched some trees in a forest. Those ones which have more height (i.e. the oldest ones) have plasters on the leaves (the same symbol of the previous cover).

  Among the trunks there are two figures. That one who symbolizes the neurology is standing up, looks at diseased leaves, worries, thinks... The other one is a small sitting figure, seems calmer, reflects with a book on the lap,...

   I didn't do it on purpose but the upper part suddenly reminded me of a Van Gogh painting of an outdoor cafe at night. I liked the idea to darken the sky and to put some stars that resembled the cemtral part of the plasters.


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