In the illustration of the cover of july, I wished to address the issue of the importance that I think must have the interrelation between arts and sciences.
It seems a cliché but some people consider these fields like different world when, in fact, they both deal with the same subject: "the life".
If nowadays a spanish had to choose a picture "ambassador" of the artistic production of his country, this picture could be "Las meninas" by Velásquez.
Furthemore it's considered to be a work with some mystery: we discuss if the whole scene is a reflection in a mirror, on the "framed" kings, on the game of spaces it creates, etc.
"Las meninas", Velásquez. Prado Museum. Madrid.
I've transformed the infanta Margarita into a sick (I've repeated the resource of the "plaster" to talk about a wound, about something that should be cured in her head).
She's being attended by two "meninas", two "mininas", two portuguese "ladies - in - waiting" who are taking care of her "physical" needs: one of them is combing her and the other one is bringing her her medicines.
Her parents are reflected in the mirror, attentive...There are dark paintings on the walls (I've put, but you rather have to guess them, one painting with a kind of mountain that would be Parnassus, where there is Apollo, god of the arts, with the 9 muses; and, another one, with Dionysus and Ariadne - that Velásquez painted also in "The spinners" -).
But in the doorway a musician appears with his picassiano violin (he has a halo, as Apollo).
I believe that the art, the arts, not only offer help in the therapeutic process, but also that the intuition, the magic, the "grace", that somehow they materialize, are essential to "understand and cure" the illness.